Message me (Caroline) directly via WhatsApp to check times, how to apply or ask a question:
WhatsApp: 07480 108 687 UK
WhatsApp International: 00 44 7480 108687
or you can email me directly:
caro @
When will I hear back?
Caroline runs Revellup in her free time when she’s not working her day job, so can’t always reply as fast as she’d like to, but she will try!
Got a work experience question?
Maybe you’ll find it’s already been answered in our FAQs. We’ve collected more than 60 questions already and we haven’t even launched properly yet!
Need to use Western Union or RIA international money transfer to join a group?
Send us a WhatsApp message including your full name, country location and the group you want to join and we’ll let you know what to do next.
¿Está intentando pagar mediante Western Union o RIA para unirse a nuestro grupo de experiencia laboral o nuestro English course? Envíanos un WhatsApp con tu nombre completo, ubicación, el grupo al que deseas unirte.
Kya aap apane kaary anubhav ya angrejee samooh ke lie Western Union ya Ria manee traansaphar dvaara bhugataan karane ka prayaas kar rahe hain?
Apana poora naam, sthaan aur jis samooh mein aap shaamil hona chaahate hain, usake saath hamen WhatsApp par bhejen taaki ham salaah de saken.